Eyes Closed Sessions

1-2-1 Online Hypnosis & Guided Meditation

Eyes Open Sessions

1-2-1 Coaching via Zoom


Your Questions Answered

Online Hypnosis Sessions

Welcome to my 1-2-1 online hypnosis, coaching and meditation sessions via Zoom.

I am most well-known for my ‘eyes closed’ work and here you can access online hypnosis, online hypnotherapy and guided meditation sessions that follow this format. I also provide ‘eyes open’ sessions to support the above which usually have a more coaching-based focus.

Online hypnosis sessions have grown massively in popularity in recent years and I am passionate about their benefits and efficacy, having seen this first-hand with my clients, both regular and one-off. 

You can discover how online hypnosis sessions work, learn about my Eyes Open Session and Eyes Closed Session formats, read my most Frequently Asked Questions and, if you are ready to explore further, book a session.