Terms & Conditions

Before engaging with my services it is important that you understand and agree to what is expected of us both.

1-2-1 Online Sessions

All online sessions are conducted via Zoom.

It is your responsibility to ensure a stable online connection for the Zoom call. You must also ensure that for any eyes closed parts of a session you are in a place where you safe and will not be disturbed for the session duration.

If you do not have Zoom, you can download it here: https://zoom.us/support/download. It is your responsibility to familiarise yourself with the software’s different functions and controls.

Initial Session & Client Questionnaire

All new clients are required to:

– attend a 1.5 hour ‘Deep Dive’ session prior to booking any further sessions; and
– complete and return a confidential Client Questionnaire.

Client Questionnaires must be returned via email to the address provided no later than 72 hours before the scheduled first session.

Pre-Session Information

Attitude, mindset and timing are very important factors in ensuring the success of your session(s). Therefore, you agree to both read and follow the guidance contained in any pre-session materials provided. This significantly increases your likelihood of a successful outcome.

Online Sessions – Late Arrival

Please logon promptly for your scheduled session time. If you are running late, please let me know as soon as possible.

I will do my best to accommodate a later session start time . However, where you are more than 20 minutes late, I reserve the right to cancel your appointment and re-schedule at my discretion.

Online Sessions – Cancellations & Re-scheduling

If you need to cancel or re-schedule your session, you must notify me via email at least 24 hours prior to your session start time. Text / SMS messages will not be accepted as notification.

Appointments cancelled with less than 24 hours’ notice or non-attendance at sessions without prior notification are non-refundable.

Other Medical or Psychological Treatment

It is recommended that you seek the opinion of a qualified doctor for any symptoms, concerns, illness or disease you have. This includes conditions such as schizophrenia, psychosis, bipolar disorder, severe depression as well as any pre-existing conditions such as epilepsy.

If you are receiving care or treatment from any medical, healthcare or therapy practitioner (e.g. GP, Psychologist or Counsellor), for your wellbeing, I may ask to seek their permission before your session can be confirmed.

I will do my best to ensure suitability of my sessions and programs for your needs. However, if information is disclosed at any point in your contact with me, including during session(s), that indicates our approach will not be suitable at that time, we reserve the right to make appropriate alterations and/or cancel, terminate or reschedule your session.

Standards of Behaviour

You agree to treat me with the same level of respect that I will treat you. You also agree not to attend session(s) under the influence of alcohol or recreational drugs, except for medications prescribed by your doctor. If you do attend your session under the influence of alcohol or recreational drugs or demonstrate violent/abusive behaviour, your session will be cancelled and I may refuse to see you for any future session.


All payments for sessions and programs are in advance, unless otherwise agreed, and may be made online via Paypal or via Bank Transfer upon request.

Discounted session packages are non-refundable. Any refund for unused sessions is at my absolute discretion.


All fees are for my professional expertise and time and there is no guarantee of a successful outcome. Therefore, no refunds will be given for any sessions or programs where you have attended and paid for the session or where you have not followed the above cancellation / re-scheduling policy.

Client Confidentiality

All contact with me, including Zoom sessions, telephone conversations and emails, are kept private and confidential. The only circumstances in which this would not apply are when:

• You provide me with written consent for confidentiality to be broken
• The hypnotherapist or coach is compelled by a court of law
• A referring GP or other healthcare provider requests a report (you can also request a copy of the report sent in writing)
• Where the information is of a nature that confidentiality cannot be maintained, such as:
– the possibility of you harming yourself or others
– cases of fraud and criminal activity
– cases involving minors (under 18 years old)

To read the full Privacy Policy please click here.

Hypnosis & Guided Meditation Audios / MP3s

Any hypnotic or meditation audios provided must not be listened to whilst driving, operating machinery or undertaking any other activity where concentration is required. Audios provided are for your personal use only and must not be lent, copied, shared or sold under any circumstances.

My audios often feature binaural frequencies. Whilst there are no specific contraindications to using these, there is a theoretical risk for those with epilepsy or an irregular heartbeat (especially if you have a pacemaker). If you have any of these conditions please speak to a medical professional to confirm suitability before using any audio provided.


All content on this website and provided by me is subject to copyright laws. No content may be republished, sold, hired, or resold without the express written consent from me personally or Online Hypnosis Sessions, including but not limited to downloads, either whole or in part.